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Why attend?

Collective solutions, real change.

Under the theme "Collective Solutions with Wellbeing and Trauma Aware Pedagogies", we will explore trauma-aware practices and why they sit at the heart of wellbeing education, fostering environments where every individual feels valued and included, where wellbeing can truly thrive. This conference will be hands-on and interactive, where educators can bring first-hand experience and expertise to the table. Join us to create collective solutions to drive meaningful change - together!

Why attend?

Our Conference Theme: Collective Solutions with Wellbeing and Trauma Aware Pedagogies

Hear more about the conference from a few of PESA's Board members

Registration is now open!

Empower yourself with the strategies and solutions to drive meaningful change!

At PESA's Wellbeing Education Conference

Join in Solution Summits - spaces to explore challenges, harness collective expertise and co-create meaningful solutions.


More speakers being added regularly!

Gina Chick logo

Gina Chick

Rewilding Facilitator, Adventurer, Writer and Speaker

Dr Tom Brunzell logo

Dr Tom Brunzell

Director, Berry Street Education Model (BSEM)

Lea Waters AM, PhD logo

Lea Waters AM, PhD

Psychologist, Researcher, Speaker, Author

Sue Langley logo

Sue Langley

Academic Director of the Langley Group Institute (RTO #40655)

Speaker, Sponsorship and Exhibitor Opportunities

Explore the numerous ways to take part in PESA's 2025 National Conference.

The PESA National Wellbeing Education Conference is recognised as the premier wellbeing education conference in Australia, with a growing international reputation. We expect 400-500 delegates to attend from diverse backgrounds - ranging from educators and school leaders from the Government, Catholic, Independent and systemic school sectors, to universities to health professionals and community members.


Hilton Adelaide

The Hilton Hotel is located at 233 Victoria Square, Adelaide, South Australia, 5000, Australia.
